自動(dòng)攪拌一體車(chē)的時(shí)候有沒(méi)有重視過(guò)輪胎?關(guān)于攪拌車(chē)輪胎的回收再加工,制定了嚴格的標準,但是一些商家卻把舊輪胎經(jīng)過(guò)打磨、粘補等工序,“搖身一變”成為新輪胎進(jìn)行銷(xiāo)售。自動(dòng)上料拌車(chē)的輪胎質(zhì)量好壞,直接關(guān)系到車(chē)輛的行進(jìn)。所以每一個(gè)車(chē)輛使用者都必須引起留意,要有一套辨別全自動(dòng)上料拌車(chē)輪胎的方法,若是購買(mǎi)了翻新的輪胎不僅僅僅僅上當受騙,或許還會(huì )影響到駕駛員的生命,那么怎么辨別輪胎是否是翻新胎呢?下面跟隨山汽技術(shù)人員一起了解一下鑒別自動(dòng)攪拌一體車(chē)是否翻新胎的方法。
Have you paid attention to the tire when using the automatic feeding mixer? Strict standards have been set for recycling and reprocessing of truck mixer tires. However, some businesses have changed the old tires into new ones after grinding and patching. The tire quality of automatic loading mixer is directly related to the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, every vehicle user must pay attention to it. There should be a set of methods to identify full-automatic loading and mixing tires. If a retreaded tire is purchased, it is not only cheated, but also may affect the driver's life safety. Then how to identify whether the tire is a new tire? Following the professional technical personnel of Shanqi, we will learn how to identify whether the automatic feeding mixer is retreaded.
How to identify whether the self loading mixer tire is retreaded?
1、 Methods to identify whether the self loading mixer tire is retreaded or not:
1. First look, through the color and luster of the tire, the new tire tread presents blue light, color is more natural.
2、二摸,用手指按壓輪胎表面,小型攪拌車(chē)新輪胎胎面上不會(huì )留下指紋。
2. Second touch, press the surface of the tire with your finger. There will be no fingerprint left on the tread of the new tire of the small mixer.
3. Third, pull the rubber nail and wear mark on the tire tread by hand. If it is not easy to tear off, it is usually a new tire.
4、四劃,用硬物在輪胎胎面上稍微用力劃過(guò),不會(huì )留下劃痕的就是新輪胎。
4. Four strokes, with a hard object on the tread of the tire a little hard, will not leave a scratch is the new tire.
The quality of the tire of the automatic feeding mixer is directly related to the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, every vehicle user must pay attention to it and have a set of methods to identify the full-automatic loading and mixing tire